Per kirkeby prints on canvas
Photographs on canvas.
Collecting guide: Per Kirkeby
One of Denmark’s most celebrated artists experimented constantly in his efforts to discover what art could be. Illustrated with works offered at Christie’s
Per Kirkeby in 1997, with his 1996 work Flight to Egypt.
Per kirkeby prints on canvas
Photo: Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images
In 1962 Per Kirkeby gave up his academic career as a field geologist and enrolled at the newly founded Experimental Art School in Copenhagen.
The avant-garde ‘Ex-School’, as it was known, was a focal point for young people keen to engage with far-flung artistic experimentation and investigate new technologies. Kirkeby was 24, and the institution’s Fluxus-inspired anarchy was the perfect springboard for a gifted polymath.
He would go on to become one of Denmark’s most celebrated modern artists, a multi-talented figure often described as ‘a painter’s painter’.
‘You really have to engage.
His work requires effort. He