Professor jim cummins biography of michael
Professor jim cummins biography of michael lewis!
Jim Cummins received his Ph.D. in 1974 from the University of Alberta in the area of educational psychology.
Professor jim cummins biography of michael
He is currently a professor in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning in the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto. His research has focused on the nature of language proficiency and second language acquisition with particular emphasis on the social and educational barriers that limit academic success for culturally diverse students.
He has served as a consultant on language planning in education to numerous international agencies. His publications include: Bilingualism and Special Education: Issues in Assessment and Pedagogy (Multilingual Matters, 1984); Bilingualism in Education: Aspects of Theory, Research and Practice (with Merrill Swain; Longman, 1986); Minority Education: From Shame to Struggle (with Tove Skutnabb-Kangas; Multilingual Matters, 1988); Empow