Robin mckie observer biography template
Robin mckie observer biography template download!
Robin mckie observer biography template
McKie, Robin
PERSONAL: Male. Education: Glasgow University, B.S. (math and psychology, with honors). Hobbies and other interests: Squash, skiing, walking, photography and traveling.
ADDRESSES: Office—Observer, London, England.
Agent—c/o Henry Holt Co., 115 West 18th St., New York, NY 10011.
CAREER: Writer and editor. Edinburgh Evening News, reporter, 1978–78; Times Higher Educational Supplement, science correspondent, 1978–82; Observer, London, England, science editor, 1984–.
Panic: The Story of AIDS, Thorsons, 1986.
(With others) Chernobyl: The End of the Nuclear Dream, Vintage Books (New York, NY), 1987.
The Genetic Jigsaw: The Story of the New Genetics, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 1988.
(With Walter Bodmer) The Book of Man: The Human Genome Project and the Quest to Discover Our Genetic Heritage, Little, Brown (London, England), 1994, Scribner (New York, NY), 1995.
(With Christopher Stringer) African Exodus: The Origins of