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    Terry pinkard hegel a biography of helen

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  • Terry Pinkard, Hegel: A Biography (review)

    470 Book Reviews spell out the links between concepts such as to show how a refinement of our concepts delivers the intuitive truth-value of various sentences, Parsons gives no reasons to think this could not be done.

    (Moreover, he seems to presume ways of answering the questions he raises when he helps himself to super-resolutional readings of sentences that capture our intuitions.) Parsons finishes the chapter by admitting that he has not refuted the linguistic/semantic alternatives to the hypothesis that there is indeterminacy in the world, but that he hopes to have shown that worldly indeterminacy of identity is worth considering.

    But, an attack on alternative views is not needed to this end, especially since it might be, for example, that some indeterminacy is worldly, some is linguistic and some apparent indeterminacy is really a matter of our ignorance.

    And couldn’t Parsons’s model for indeterminacy also be taken as a model for ling